What Employers Should Know Before They Begin Making Background Checks On Their Employees. Watch This Video…
Background checks are very useful tools for employees who have to make employment decisions for their companies. Background checks provide a factual picture of an individuals education, prior employment, criminal record, financial history, and other information that is relevant to the position they are applying for. The following video goes over the major things an employee has to think about when deciding to implement background checks.
Some Important Tips From the Video…
Confirm and Discover – A background check can either confirm information an employee or contractor has supplied and can also bring new information to light.
What Background Check Look For – Background checks can confirm an individual’s education, prior employment, criminal record, financial history, and other information that is relevant to the position they are applying for.
Know Your Local Laws – Some state prohibit using consumer credit reports, criminal records, or certain other components of a background check.
Treat Everyone Equally to Stay In Compliance – Decisions to use background checks should not be made based on a person’s race, national origin, color, sex, religion, disability, genetic information, or age. Employers that get reports from screening companies must comply with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, or FCRA.
Drug Tests – Drug tests fall outside the scope of most routine background checks. Federal law does not prohibit the practice of testing employees for drugs but several states do restrict random drug tests on employees who are not in safety-sensitive positions.
Background Bureau provides comprehensive background checks, drug tests, and tenant screenings to clients who want to reduce the amount of time, money and paperwork it takes to protect themselves from potential employees, tenants, or partners who have had troubled histories.
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